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August Flash and Traces

朽木祥 著 Text: Kuzki, Shaw

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books読みもの/chapter books and novels

八月の光 表紙

『八月の光・あとかた』(Hachigatsu no hikari, Atokata)

出版社 小学館
初版年 2015年
ISBN 9784094061802
ページ数 237頁
サイズ 15×11
対象年齢 13歳から
キーワード 広島 命 原爆

August Flash and Traces

August Flash is a trio of linked stories: “The Doll’s Face,” “The Stone’s Memory,” and “The Water’s Silence.” On August 6, 1945, seventy thousand people in Hiroshima died instantly due to the atomic bomb. In each of these stories, the main character loses a loved one and observes scenes like hell itself. An inscription at the beginning reads, “For those who survived.” By following each character through August 6 and succeeding days, the author probes what it is to lose something irreplaceable, yet somehow live on. The August Flash stories appear with two further works in this Hiroshima seventieth-anniversary edition. <Miyakawa>

  • Text: Kuzki, Shaw
  • Shogakukan
  • 2015
  • 237 pages
  • 15×11
  • ISBN 9784094061802
  • Ages 13 +

Hiroshima; Life; Atomic bomb