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令丈ヒロ子 作/宮尾和孝 絵 Text: Reijo, Hiroko | Illus. Miyao, Kazutaka

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books読みもの/chapter books and novels

パンプキン 表紙


出版社 講談社
初版年 2011年
ISBN 9784062170772
ページ数 95頁
サイズ 21×15
対象年齢 10歳から
キーワード 戦争 原爆 学校の研究課題


ーSummer of the Mock Bomb

Hiroka’s local convenience store has a marker nearby that reads MOCK ATOMIC BOMB DROP AREA. The mock atomic bomb was round and painted orange, and nicknamed Pumpkin. Hiroka wonders about Pumpkin, so she makes the atomic bomb the subject of her summer research project for school. She soon finds, however, that the more she learns, the more there is to know. From her wonderings about an everyday object, comes a story about the importance of considering war and peace. <Nogami>

  • Text: Reijo, Hiroko | Illus. Miyao, Kazutaka
  • Kodansha
  • 2011
  • 95 pages
  • 21×15
  • ISBN 9784062170772
  • Ages 10 +

War; Atomic bomb; School research project