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A Mysterious Girl Good At Scattering Things

西加奈子 文・絵 Text/ illus. Nishi, Kanako

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books読みもの/chapter books and novels

まく子 表紙

『まく子』(Maku ko)

出版社 福音館書店
初版年 2016年
ISBN 9784834082388
ページ数 256頁
サイズ 20×14
対象年齢 12歳から
キーワード 出会い 新時代 多様性

A Mysterious Girl Good At Scattering Things

Satoshi is in the fifth grade of elementary school. No longer a child but not yet an adult, he feels disoriented and out of step with the world around him. Then a pretty girl called Kozue transfers to his school. Kozue doesn’t bother herself with the people around her, but leads a strange existence scattering all kinds of things, from pebbles to nuts and water. Satoshi is captivated by her, and eventually she confides her secret to him: actually, she is a space alien and will one day have to return to her own star. Through Kozue, Satoshi is able to accept diversity and redefine himself in such a way that he can eventually accept himself and be accepted by others. <Sakuma>

  • Text/ illus. Nishi, Kanako
  • Fukuinkan Shoten
  • 2016
  • 256 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 9784834082388
  • Ages 12 +

Encounter; Coming-of-Age; Diversity