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Twilight Fright

京極夏彦 文/山科理絵 絵/東雅夫 編集 Text: Kyogoku, Natsuhiko | Illus. Yamashina, Rie | Edit. Higashi, Masao

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books絵本/picture books

ことりぞ 表紙


出版社 岩崎書店
初版年 2015年
ISBN 978-4-265-07975-9
ページ数 32頁
サイズ 29×22
対象年齢 9歳から
キーワード ゴーストストーリー 魂 仮面

Twilight Fright

This book tells a ghost story about the spiriting-away of a child at twilight. Such ghost stories, or kaidan, grew from reverence for the scale and darker side of Japan’s natural world. In this book, a girl wearing a mask explores a house, a shrine, the base of a large tree, the outside of a deserted building, and a space between two houses—all of which can be spooky, especially as twilight falls. Is someone there?! The reader’s heart pounds along with the girl’s. The symbolic illustrations, composition and organization of the book are excellent. <Nogami>

  • Text: Kyogoku, Natsuhiko | Illus. Yamashina, Rie | Edit. Higashi, Masao
  • Iwasaki Shoten
  • 2015
  • 32 pages
  • 29×22
  • ISBN 9784265079759
  • Ages 9 +

Ghost story; Spirit; Mask