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How Come We Call Rice “Gohan,” Grandma?

ぱくきょんみ 文/鈴木理策 写真 Text: Park Kyong-Mi | Photos: Suzuki, Risaku

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本ノンフィクション/nonfiction

ごはんはおいしい 表紙

『ごはんは おいしい』(Gohan wa oishii)


出版社 福音館書店
初版年 2017年
ISBN 978-4-8340-8368-2
ページ数 80頁
サイズ 22×16
対象年齢 5歳から
キーワード 米 食 季節

How Come We Call Rice “Gohan,” Grandma?

The rice we eat is grain after grain grown on a rice plant, which itself grows in a rice paddy. This photo picture book lyrically narrated by a grandmother, tells the story of how rice reaches us. Just as rice is a staple of Japanese food, rice fields are a feature of Japan’s landscape. Written by a poet, the text and photos in this book reveal spread after spread that can be savored like a meal. The combination of poetic language, photos, and white space not only yields knowledge, but also causes us to smell steam and even feel the breeze through the paddies. (Hiromatsu)

  • Text: Park Kyong-Mi | Photos: Suzuki, Risaku
  • Fukuinkan Shoten
  • 2017
  • 80 pages
  • 22×16
  • ISBN 978-4-8340-8368-2
  • Ages 5 +

Rice, Food, Seasons