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105 Degrees

佐藤まどか 著 Text: Sato, Madoka

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels

一〇五度 表紙

『一〇五度』(Hyakugo do)


出版社 あすなろ書房
初版年 2017年
ISBN 978-4-7515-2873-0
ページ数 256頁
サイズ 20×14
対象年齢 10歳から
キーワード 椅子 デザイナー 将来の夢 仲間

105 Degrees

The hero of this novel is Shin, a boy who transfers into the final year of middle school at a combined middle/high school in Tokyo. Shin’s father constantly checks his grades and pushes him to follow an elite course to a famous university and top company—but Shin really wants to build chairs, like his grandfather before him. Shin longs to be a chair designer. One day, as Shin reads a book on chairs in the library, he meets Lili, a girl also obsessed with chairs. As it turns out, Lili’s grandfather and Shin’s grandfather once competed with each other as chair modelers. Shin and Lili hit it off, and secretly enter a national chair competition as a team. The final summer of middle school, Shin faces discord with his father, his personal limitations, and the challenges of working in a team, even as he follows his dream with integrity. The 105 degrees in the title refers to the ideal angle of the back of a chair. This book is highly recommended to middle schoolers just beginning to consider their paths in life. (Shirota)

  • Text: Sato, Madoka
  • Asunaro Shobo
  • 2017
  • 256 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 978-4-7515-2873-0
  • Ages 10 +

Chairs, Design, Follow your path, Friendship