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A Tale of Two Little Pigs

中澤晶子 作/ささめやゆき 絵 Text: Nakazawa, Shoko | Illus. Sasameya, Yuki

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books読みもの/chapter books and novels

こぶたものがたり 表紙

『こぶたものがたり――チェルノブイリから福島へ』(Kobuta monogatari)

出版社 岩崎書店
初版年 2016年
ISBN 9784265840076
ページ数 80頁
サイズ 22×16
対象年齢 6歳から
キーワード 子ブタ、原発事故、福島

A Tale of Two Little Pigs

ーFrom Chernobyl to Fukushima

A story about peaceful lives disrupted by nuclear accidents. Tanya, who lived in Chernobyl, had a piglet called Marumaru (Rolypoly), while Natsuko in Fukushima had a piglet called Momo (Peaches). The girls played with the piglets every day, looking after them as if they were part of their families. However, following the nuclear accidents both piglets were left behind when their families were evacuated. After Tanya visits Fukushima on a recreational visit organized by a Japanese NGO, a letter from her connects the two girls. <Sakuma>

  • Text: Nakazawa, Shoko | Illus. Sasameya, Yuki
  • Iwasaki Shoten
  • 2016
  • 80 pages
  • 22×16
  • ISBN 9784265840076
  • Ages 6 +

Piglet; Nuclear Accident; Fukushima