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Little Pot of Leisure

萱野茂 文/どいかや 絵 Text: Kayano, Shigeru | Illus. Doi, Kaya

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books絵本/picture books

ひまなこなべ 表紙

『ひまなこなべ―― アイヌのむかしばなし』(Himana konabe)

出版社 あすなろ書房
初版年 2016年
ISBN 9784751528198
ページ数 32頁
サイズ 31×22
対象年齢 7歳から
キーワード アイヌ クマ 精神

Little Pot of Leisure

ーAn Ainu Folktale

The Ainu are the indigenous people of Japan. This picture book relates one of their folktales about a bear god who is killed by a human. Unable to forget an amazing dance by a youth at the ceremony to send him to heaven, he repeatedly comes back to earth in order to identify the youth, thus ensuring that the youth’s family prospers with meat and furs aplenty. The story teaches that humans are kept alive by nature and other lives. Drawing on traditional Ainu patterns, the illustrations capture the essence of this tale and make it easy to follow. <Sakuma>

  • Text: Kayano, Shigeru | Illus. Doi, Kaya
  • Asunaro Shobo
  • 2016
  • 32 pages
  • 31×22
  • ISBN 9784751528198
  • Ages 7 +

Ainu; Bear; Spirit