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An Illustrated Calendar of the Moon

千葉望 文/阿部伸二 絵 Text: Chiba, Nozomi | Illus. Abe, Shinji

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本ノンフィクション/nonfiction


『お月さまの こよみ絵本――旧暦で行事をたのしむ』(Otsukisama no koyomi ehon)


出版社 理論社
初版年 2016年
ISBN 9784652201572
ページ数 31頁
サイズ 27×22
対象年齢 5歳から
キーワード 月 暦 行事

An Illustrated Calendar of the Moon

ーEnjoying the Festivals of the Old Lunar Calendar

A picture book that explains the structure of the old lunar calendar brought to Japan from China and compares it with the Western solar calendar, while introducing the background to festivals currently celebrated in Japan and the people who lived their lives according to the old calendar. It introduces various facts, such as that a new month always started on January 1, and the Tanabata Festival on July 7 was when the Milky Way was clearly visible. Through detailed pictures describing how festivals are currently celebrated, we learn how festivals on the old lunar calendar have been continued up until the present. (Doi)

  • Text: Chiba, Nozomi | Illus. Abe, Shinji
  • Rironsha
  • 2016
  • 31 pages
  • 27×22
  • ISBN 9784652201572
  • Ages 5 +

Moon, Calendar, Festivals