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りすと かえるの あめのたび(絵本)

Squirrel and Frog’s Trip in the Rain

うえだ まこと 作 Text/Ill. UEDA Makoto

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture books

『りすと かえるの あめのたび』


出版社 BL 出版
初版年 2022年
ISBN 978-4-7764-1056-0
ページ数 32頁
サイズ 22x26cm
対象年齢 3歳から
キーワード 雨、リス、カエル、旅

Squirrel and Frog’s Trip in the Rain

Watercolor illustrations delicately depict the joys and adventures of Frog and Squirrel and the impact of rain, wind, and fog. The two have been planning a trip, but it rains on the day they planned to go. Frog, however, is happy because for him, rainy weather is perfect. They set off in their rowboat. Soon, a fog rolls over the water, making it hard to see ahead. Frog swims off to see where they are, while Squirrel waits behind. The wind picks up, blowing the boat away. Squirrel feels like he has travelled a long way, but when the fog lifts, he sees he’s back at Frog’s floating island. The two spend the rest of the day chatting and admiring the beautiful stones Frog has found. (Sakuma)

  • Text/Ill. UEDA Makoto
  • BL Shuppan
  • 2022
  • 32 pages
  • 22x26cm
  • ISBN 978-4-7764-1056-0
  • Ages 3 +

Rain, Squirrel, Frog, Travel