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Japanese Broth: Blessings of the Sea 1—Konbu

阿部秀樹 写真・文 | 日本昆布協会 監修 Text/Photos: Abe, Hideki | Spv. Nihon Konbu Kyokai

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture booksノンフィクション/nonfiction



出版社 偕成社
初版年 2020年
ISBN 978-4-03-436810-7
ページ数 40頁
サイズ 29×24
対象年齢 9歳から
キーワード コンブ、和食、海、北海道

Japanese Broth: Blessings of the Sea 1—Konbu

In 2013, UNESCO designated traditional Japanese cuisine as an intangible cultural heritage. This book is the first of three about dashi, or broth, which is the basis of many Japanese dishes. While this book focuses on konbu seaweed in dashi, the next focuses on katsuobushi (dried bonito) and the third on niboshi (dried sardines). Konbu as a seaweed in the ocean, the ins-and-outs of konbu harvesting and processing, types of konbu, how to make konbu broth, ways to eat konbu, the symbolic use of konbu on festive occasions, the influence of environmental destruction on konbu—all are introduced in words and pictures. In nature, konbu protects small fish and serves as food for sea urchins and others. The explanation of how drying brings out its savory flavors is fascinating. (Doi)

  • Text/Photos: Abe, Hideki | Spv. Nihon Konbu Kyokai
  • Kaiseisha
  • 2020
  • 40 pages
  • 29×24
  • ISBN 978-4-03-436810-7
  • Ages 9 +

Konbu, Japanese cuisine, Sea, Hokkaido