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Pulsatilla Cernua

宮沢賢治 作/陣埼草子 絵  text: Miyazawa, Kenji | illus. Jinsaki, Soko

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture books

『おきなぐさ』(Okina gusa)


出版社 ミキハウス
初版年 2019年
ISBN 9784895881432
ページ数 40頁
サイズ 26×24
対象年齢 9歳から
キーワード 草花 自然 光 風

Pulsatilla Cernua

Pulsatilla cernua is a perennial in the buttercup family. When the sunlight hits their dark reddishpurple flower petals at a certain angle, they turn a deep vibrant red. The stem, leaves and flowers are covered in soft down that shines like silver velvet. Early one spring, two of these flowers gaze up at the clouds flowing across the snowy mountains and wish they could float in the sky. Two months later, their flowers turn to silver tufts. One by one, the shining tufts are carried into the northern sky. The author imagines that their small flower spirits have ascended into the heavens to become variable stars. The breathtaking illustrations capture the magical effect of light transforming the flowers and shimmering on the fuzzy down. (Nogami)

  • text: Miyazawa, Kenji | illus. Jinsaki, Soko
  • Miki House
  • 2019
  • 40 pages
  • 26×24
  • ISBN 9784895881432
  • Ages 9 +

Flowers, Nature, Light, Wind