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Tiny Dragon

工藤直子 文/あべ弘士 絵 text: Kudo, Naoko | illus. Abe, Hiroshi

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture books

『ちび竜』(Chibi ryu)


出版社 童心社
初版年 2019年
ISBN 9784494012466
ページ数 36頁
サイズ 26×26
対象年齢 7歳から
キーワード 竜 生命 アイデンティティ

Tiny Dragon

Tiny Dragon was born from a tiny drop in a puddle. Where is this? Who am I? Taught and helped along by creatures around him, he practices his dragon powers. He takes off from the puddle and whirls with dandelion fuzz. Learning from a dragonfly in the air, a Crucian carp in the water, and a mole in the earth, he grows into a Great Dragon. A double-page spread with foldouts stunningly shows the dragon, now able to create mountain twilight, ocean billows, rainbows, mist, and thunder. The illustrator of this book, a former zookeeper, uses black and white with limited color to express natural forms from mosquito larvae to the Milky Way reverently. The dragon grows large enough to cradle the whole world, from specks to space to the reader. Magnificently humorous and moving. (Hiromatsu)

  • text: Kudo, Naoko | illus. Abe, Hiroshi
  • Doshinsha
  • 2019
  • 36 pages
  • 26×26
  • ISBN 9784494012466
  • Ages 7 +

Dragon, Life, Identity