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Look Inside the 12th- Century Scrolls of Frolicking Animals

五味文彦 監修 Spv. Gomi, Fumihiko

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本ノンフィクション/nonfiction

鳥獣戯画を読みとく 表紙

『鳥獣戯画を読みとく』(Chojugiga o yomitoku)


出版社 岩崎書店
初版年 2017年
ISBN 978-4-265-08446-3
ページ数 64頁
サイズ 29×22
対象年齢 10歳から
キーワード 鳥獣戯画 絵巻物 平安時代 日本文化

Look Inside the 12th- Century Scrolls of Frolicking Animals

The Choju Giga (Scrolls of Frolicking Animals) were created more than 800 years ago at the end of Japan’s Heian period. A set of four, the scrolls are among the oldest extant emaki (picture scrolls) and are designated a Japanese National Treasure. This book, while introducing the scrolls’ origins and content, entertains readers by pointing out their features—from how frogs and rabbits enjoy sumo and a festival in the first scroll, to how silly humans appear in the last scroll, almost like a gag manga. What a delightful way to initiate admirers of the scrolls, young and old! (Shirota)

  • Spv. Gomi, Fumihiko
  • Iwasaki Shoten
  • 2017
  • 64 pages
  • 29×22
  • ISBN 978-4-265-08446-3
  • Ages 10 +

Scrolls of Frolicking Animals, Emaki scrolls, Japanese culture