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Slime Mold

新井文彦 写真・文 Text/Photos: Arai, Fumihiko

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本ノンフィクション/nonfiction

もりのほうせきねんきん 表紙



出版社 ポプラ社
初版年 2018年
ISBN 978-4-591-15866-1
ページ数 35頁
サイズ 21×27
対象年齢 5歳から
キーワード 森 宝石 変身

Slime Mold

ーForest Gems

The kanji for slime mold identifies it as “sticky fungus.” But this fungus is not related to mushrooms. It is one of the amoebas that live beneath dark, damp ground and in rotting trees. It also changes shape several times during its life. It is very small so is easily missed, but close observation of a fallen tree trunk or the ground will reveal all kinds of slime molds of various shapes and colors that are as beautiful as gems. Some are like glass petals, others are like coral beads. Slime mold not only steadily changes its color and form as it grows, but it moves, too. This breathtakingly beautiful ecology photo picture book depicts these mysterious life forms in brilliant color. (Nogami)

  • Text/Photos: Arai, Fumihiko
  • Poplar
  • 2018
  • 35 pages
  • 21×27
  • ISBN 978-4-591-15866-1
  • Ages 5 +

Forest, Gems, Transformation