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Save the Grouse from Extinction

国松俊英 著 Text: Kunimatsu, Toshihide

カテゴリー: 日中韓共同プロジェクトJapanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novelsノンフィクション/nonfiction

『ライチョウを 絶滅から 救え』(Raicho o zetsumetsu kara sukue)


出版社 小峰書店
初版年 2018年
ISBN 9784338321013
ページ数 176頁
サイズ 20×14
対象年齢 11歳から
キーワード ライチョウ 自然環境 地球温暖化 生態系

Save the Grouse from Extinction

The Lagopus mutus Japonicus Clark is a species of grouse native to high mountains such as the Japanese Alps. Due to drastic changes in their ecosystem, global warming and other factors, the species faces extinction. Japanese ornithologist Hiroshi Nakamura identified the Japanese grouse as a key to the mountain ecosystem and has spent years studying and protecting them. In 2013, he launched a project to protect these chicks in cages in the mountains, with positive results. This book represents an important record that teaches us about the natural environment through the Japanese grouse and urges us to rethink our relationship with nature. (Shiozaki)

  • Text: Kunimatsu, Toshihide
  • Komine Shoten
  • 2018
  • 176 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 9784338321013
  • Ages 11 +

Grouse, Natural environment, Global warming, Ecosystem