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Wild Plants and Dreams

谷本雄治 文/大野八生 絵 Text: Tanimoto, Yuji | Illus. Ono, Yayoi

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本ノンフィクション/nonfiction

『草木と みた夢――牧野富太郎ものがたり』(Kusaki to mita yume)

「日本の植物学の父」といわれる植物学者、牧野富太郎は江戸時代末に高知に生まれ、幼い頃から草や木が大好きだった。この植物はなんだろう、という好奇心を原点に、富太郎は植物の研究者になった。小学校を中退したが、独学で植物について学び、78 歳で『牧野日本植物図鑑』を完成した後も、94 歳で死ぬまで研究を続けた。信じること、好きなことを貫いた人生、その人柄がやわらかな色調の絵から伝わる伝記絵本。巻末には年表・解説など業績や人生を知る資料も充実。(汐﨑)

出版社 出版ワークス
初版年 2019年
ISBN 9784907108328
ページ数 32頁
サイズ 27×22
対象年齢 9歳から
キーワード 植物 植物学者 職業 学問

Wild Plants and Dreams

ーThe Story of Tomitaro Makino

An illustrated biography of Japanese botanist Tomitaro Makino, who is known as the father of botany in Japan. Born in Kochi in 1862 just before Japan opened its borders to the world, he was fascinated with plants from childhood. His longing to know more about them was his starting point and inspired him to become a botanist. Although he never finished elementary school, he continued to study plants on his own for the rest of his life. At the age of seventy-eight, he completed the Makino Japan Plant Encyclopedia, and he continued to study until his death in 1957 at the age of ninety-four. The gently-hued illustrations vividly convey his life as well as his character and his deep love for nature. The end of the book presents well-researched documentation of his life and achievements along with a chronological table. (Shiozaki)

  • Text: Tanimoto, Yuji | Illus. Ono, Yayoi
  • Shuppan Works
  • 2019
  • 32 pages
  • 27×22
  • ISBN 9784907108328
  • Ages 9 +

Plants, Botanist, Professions, Research