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The Life of Sardines

大片忠明 作 Text/Illus. Okata, Tadaaki

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本ノンフィクション/nonfiction

『イワシ――むれで いきる さかな』(Iwashi)


出版社 福音館書店
初版年 2019年
ISBN 9784834084504
ページ数 28頁
サイズ 25×23
対象年齢 5歳から
キーワード イワシ 魚 命 海 集団生活

The Life of Sardines

The spawning season for sardines is from winter through spring. One female can lay tens of thousands of eggs in a night, but sardines have many natural enemies in the ocean. Only a few of the young can survive. The sardines that overcome danger and reach adulthood form a shoal. Sardines are small and weak, and living in a group is an instinct and knowledge necessary for them to live in harsh nature. The author, who illustrates living creatures and science for reference books, provides a minutely detailed portrayal of the life of sardines in the setting of the solid blue ocean. This is an educational book on how life is born and grows, and on the importance of connecting. (Shiozaki)

  • Text/Illus. Okata, Tadaaki
  • Fukuinkan Shoten
  • 2019
  • 28 pages
  • 25×23
  • ISBN 9784834084504
  • Ages 5 +

Sardines, Fish, Life, Ocean, Group living