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You Are on the Other Side of this River

濱野京子 著 Hamano, Kyoko

カテゴリー: 日中韓共同プロジェクトJapanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels


『この川のむこうに 君がいる』(Kono kawa no muko ni kimi ga iru)

宮城県と福島県で東日本大震災にあった梨乃(りの)と遼(りょう)が出会い、お互いの苦悩に違いがあることを知りながらも心を開いていく様子を、梨乃の視点から描いた作品。 4 月、梨乃は、宮城県で東日本大震災を経験したことを中学時代のように同情されるのがいやで、埼玉県から荒川を越えて東京都の私立高校へ入学し、吹奏楽部に入る。だれにも震災経験を知られないようにしていたが、同じクラブには遼がいて、福島県での震災経験をオープンに語る。梨乃の兄は津波で亡くなり、母は不眠を抱え、父は仕事に没頭する毎日。



出版社 理論社
初版年 2018年
ISBN 9784652202890
ページ数 224頁
サイズ 20×14
対象年齢 13歳から
キーワード 東日本大震災 友情 恋愛

You Are on the Other Side of this River

Rino from Miyagi prefecture and Ryo from Fukushima prefecture are both survivors of the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami, and both of their families relocated to cities near Tokyo, on opposite sides of the same river. But their experience of the disaster and their reaction to it are quite different. Written from Rino’s perspective, the story depicts how these two are drawn together despite their differences. Rino’s older brother died in the tsunami. Ever since, her mother has suffered from insomnia and her father has buried himself in his work. Rino, who hated being pitied by her classmates in junior high school, decides to enter a senior high school on the other side of the river where no one will know her past.

She joins the brass band club, keeping her background a secret. Ryo belongs to the same club, but he speaks openly about his experience of the disaster. At an all-school brass band competition, Rino runs into some of her classmates from junior high, and Ryo finds out that she is also from the disaster-stricken area. They begin to share their experiences. Rino tells Ryo that she dated her older brother’s friend for a while, but broke up, while Ryo confides that he was bullied in junior high because he was from Fukushima and that his relationship with his girlfriend in Fukushima is rocky. At the end of the year, Rino is able to open up to her band mates. She finds that sharing her past helps her feel more comfortable at school.

The novel explores situations common to many survivors such as the after effects of the tsunami in Miyagi and the dislocation caused by nuclear contamination in Fukushima. Rino and Ryo’s efforts to communicate and bridge the gap give the reader hope. A winner of the Japan Juvenile Literature Association Prize. (Doi)

  • Hamano, Kyoko
  • Rironsha
  • 2018
  • 224 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 9784652202890
  • Ages 13 +

Tohoku 2011 Earthquake and Tsunami, Friendship, Falling in love