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Sensing Your Presence

梨屋アリエ 著 Nashiya, Arie

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels

『きみの 存在を 意識する』(Kimi no sonzai o ishiki suru)

中学2 年生の5 人の語りで展開する短編連作。そのモノローグから、ひとりひとりが抱えている、外からは見えにくい悩みや葛藤が語られ、それらがからみあって登場人物たちのデリケートな内面や友だちへの想いなどが鮮やかに浮かび上がってくる。ひすいと拓真(たくま)は同い年の姉弟。読書指導に情熱を燃やす担任の女教師は、読んだ本の読書記録カードの枚数を競わせる。


出版社 ポプラ社
初版年 2019年
ISBN 9784- 591163566
ページ数 336頁
サイズ 20×13
対象年齢 13歳から
キーワード 読書 家族 友だち 障害

Sensing Your Presence

A collection of linked short stories each narrated by one of five friends in Year 2 of the same junior high school. Their monologues, in which they speak of their hidden troubles and conflicts, intertwine to vividly reveal the delicate inner lives of the protagonists and their feelings for their friends. Hisui and Takuma are sister and brother in the same year. Their homeroom teacher is passionate about teaching reading and makes her class compete for the number of reading record cards on the books they read.

Takuma sails through even difficult books, but Hisui is so bad at it that she can’t even get through text books. Even so, the teacher seems to think she is a top student who loves reading, and this makes her anxious. Meanwhile Riki hates boys and girls being segregated and is determined that people should be themselves. She refuses to hand in her reading record cards as she feels it infringes upon her privacy, and she openly confronts the homeroom teacher over the issue. Takuma was adopted by Hisui’s family after he lost his own parents, and he is confused when a woman resembling his birth mother appears. Riki happens to get together with Takuma at summer camp, and somehow they get along well and she shares his troubles. Koharu, the class president who tends to overeat and makes out he’s a straight A student, and Rumina, who nobody can understand has a chemical allergy, make an odd pair. Each of the five have their own various burdens, and they struggle against old values while being aware of each other’s existence. The words of another student called Koharu, who has moved from another school and has a reading and writing disability that nobody understands, leave a particularly strong impression: “Hey, you all, don’t die! Ke p on living, okay?” (Nogami)

  • Nashiya, Arie
  • Poplar
  • 2019
  • 336 pages
  • 20×13
  • ISBN 9784- 591163566
  • Ages 13 +

Reading, Family, Friends, Disability