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I Dream of a Journey

みやこしあきこ 作 Text/Illus. Miyakoshi, Akiko

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture books

『ぼくのたび』(Boku no tabi)


出版社 ブロンズ新社
初版年 2018年
ISBN 9784893096470
ページ数 32頁
サイズ 28×22
対象年齢 6歳から
キーワード 旅 ホテル 手紙 動物

I Dream of a Journey

The main character in this book manages a hotel in a small town. Every day, he welcomes guests from around the world and listens to their stories. After work, when he climbs into bed, the wish to travel wells up inside him. Never having left town before, he travels to unknown places in his dreams. Then, a letter from a former hotel guest arrives, further stirring his desire to visit guests around the world. The illustrations, by an artist who ardently loves travel, are all lithographs. The softly layered, beautiful colors draw readers into the hero’s imaginary journey. This is the latest work by internationally renowned illustrator Akiko Miyakoshi, recognized at the Bologna Ragazzi Awards and by The New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children’s Book Awards. (Hiromatsu)

  • Text/Illus. Miyakoshi, Akiko
  • Bronze Publishing
  • 2018
  • 32 pages
  • 28×22
  • ISBN 9784893096470
  • Ages 6 +

Travel, Hotels, Letters, Animals