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Granny Bo-Peep

佐々木マキ 作 Text/Illus. Sasaki, Maki

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture books

『いないいない ばあさん』(Inai inai baasan)


出版社 偕成社
初版年 2019年
ISBN 9784032326000
ページ数 32頁
サイズ 24×19
対象年齢 3歳から
キーワード おばあさん ナンセンス かくれんぽ

Granny Bo-Peep

This picture book is about a boy who goes for walks with his granny, but she keeps suddenly disappearing and reappearing somewhere totally unexpected. His granny pretends to be a mannequin in a show window, hides under a bridge and jumps out at him, poses on top of a statue in the park, hangs upside down behind the stairs, stands on top of a chimney, and suddenly appears out of a snowman. The pictures of the chubby granny as she goes to extraordinary lengths to surprise her grandson are amusing, and it’s fun to see the boy wide-eyed as he is continually being surprised. (Doi)

  • Text/Illus. Sasaki, Maki
  • Kaiseisha
  • 2019
  • 32 pages
  • 24×19
  • ISBN 9784032326000
  • Ages 3 +

Grandmothers, Nonsense, Hide-and-seek