Bugs in the Wild
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、ノンフィクション/nonfiction

『どこにいるかな?――のやまのむしたち』(Noyama no mushi tachi)
出版社 | 岩崎書店 |
初版年 | 2017年 |
ISBN | 978-4-265-08581-1 |
ページ数 | -32頁 |
サイズ | 29×25 |
対象年齢 | 6歳から |
キーワード | 昆虫 擬態 かくれんぼ 自然観察 |
Bugs in the Wild
This is a science picture book that introduces through a series of photos the amazing ways in which bugs mimic their surroundings to hide amidst leaves, tree branches, and on the ground, and challenges the reader to find the insect hidden in each photo. All of the photos were taken by the author in the district of Inadani in Nagano Prefecture, and are of the flora and fauna of the natural woodlands around villages. Readers can really get a feel for observing the outdoors through these photos and will marvel at the ability of the insects to hide themselves. Some are particularly hard to discern, like a moth that mimics dried leaves and a caterpillar that looks just like bird droppings. At the end of the book there is a simple quiz along with answers. (Shirota)
- Text/Photos: Yasuda, Mamoru
- Iwasaki Shoten
- 2017
- -32 pages
- 29×25
- ISBN 978-4-265-08581-1
- Ages 6 +
Insects, Mimicry, Hide-and-seek, Nature observation