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The Mushroom Restaurant

新開孝 写真・文 Text/Photos: Shinkai, Takashi

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本ノンフィクション/nonfiction

きのこレストラン 表紙

『きのこレストラン』(Kinoko resutoran)


出版社 ポプラ社
初版年 2018年
ISBN 978-4-591-15975-0
ページ数 35頁
サイズ 21×27
対象年齢 5歳から
キーワード きのこ レストラン 食事 キノコムシ

The Mushroom Restaurant

In June, the bright red parasols of a species of agaric, dubbed “egg mushrooms,” appear in the park woods. A close look reveals small spores emerging from between the gills on the underside of the parasols. As the spores emerge, bugs gather and chomp away at the soft gills. Five days later, having discharged all their spores, the egg mushrooms begin to rot. Then it’s the turn of another type of bug, which loves rotten mushrooms. The mushrooms are a restaurant for the bugs. The vivid, realistic photos in this picture book introduce all the various bugs, including fungus beetles, that eat mushrooms. (Shirota)

  • Text/Photos: Shinkai, Takashi
  • Poplar
  • 2018
  • 35 pages
  • 21×27
  • ISBN 978-4-591-15975-0
  • Ages 5 +

Mushrooms, Restaurants, Meals, Fungus beetle