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Looking for That Scenery

中山聖子 著 Text: Nakayama, Seiko

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels

その景色をさがして 表紙

『その景色をさがして』(Sono keshiki o sagashite)


出版社 PHP研究所
初版年 2018年
ISBN 978-4-569-78749-7
ページ数 175頁
サイズ 20×14
対象年齢 12歳から
キーワード 母親 死 友だち

Looking for That Scenery

This is the story of Toko, an insecure teenager, and how she comes to terms with her mother’s past.
Thirteen-year-old Toko has been living with her grandparents since her mother, a novelist, died half a year ago. She struggles with complex emotions: grief over the loss of her mother and remorse over some terrible things she said to her, envy of her friend whose artistic talent is blossoming, and turmoil over suddenly being contacted by her father who divorced Toko’s mother.
Chihiro, a pediatrician and Toko’s aunt, is concerned about Toko. One day, Toko confides that she is angry with both her parents for making her suffer like this. “I can’t help thinking,” she says, “that the only reason they could be so selfish is because they never really loved me.” Chihiro tells Toko that the reason she became a doctor was because she had mixed feelings about her own family. She also tells her that Toko’s mother was bullied in junior high school.
After she became ill, Toko’s mother mentioned her desire to visit a certain place once again. Toko decides to find out where that is. She finds a postcard that her mother treasured and writes to the person who sent it. Through this, she learns that this person lives very near the place her mother wanted to go and decides to visit her. Toko learns many things about her mother from this friend. Alone, Toko visits the place her mother wanted to see. There she finds wisteria laden with blossoms. Now she understands where her name comes from: Toko means “wisteria child.” This scene provides a beautiful and dramatic conclusion to the tale. The family’s grief touches the reader’s heart precisely because neither Toko’s mother nor her death are romanticized. (Doi)

  • Text: Nakayama, Seiko
  • PHP Institute
  • 2018
  • 175 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 978-4-569-78749-7
  • Ages 12 +

Mothers, Death, Friendship