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When I was a Shojo Robbot

石川宏千花 著 Text: Ishikawa, Hirochika

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels

わたしが少女型ロボットだったころ 表紙

『わたしが 少女型ロボットだったころ』(Wayashi ga shojogata robotto datta koro)


出版社 偕成社
初版年 2018年
ISBN 978-4-03-727280-7
ページ数 252頁
サイズ 20×14
対象年齢 12歳から
キーワード ロボット 友情 摂食障害 母子関係

When I was a Shojo Robbot

This novel’s title suggests that it is science fiction, but it is not. It is the story of a sensitive girl racing headlong through adolescence, her body and spirit flagging. Together with a boy who encourages her, she somehow renews her strength and finds her mark, ultimately finding herself.
The heroine is Tazuru, a girl in her final year of middle school. Tazuru’s mother, a freelance lifestyle designer, is in a relationship with a female former colleague some twelve years her junior. Tazuru assumes that her mother wants someone to live with because she is lonely being single, and has as family only her own mother, to whom she is not close. But Tazuru worries that she and her mother will no longer share secrets between just the two of them, as they used to. Somehow Tazuru becomes unable to eat the breakfast her mother makes, and then she recalls that she is a robot. She is Shojo Robot TA-ZOO—and if she is a robot, she can live without eating.
A boy from her homeroom class two years ago, who has always looked out for her, is shocked at Tazuru’s sudden weight loss. When she confides to him that she is a robot, he does not balk but accepts this straightforwardly. He then tries everything he can think of to convince Tazuru that if she is a skillfully made, human-like robot, she must also eat like humans or she will die. Deeply worried, he stays close to this girl whose anxiety brought an eating disorder he scarcely understands. Tazuru’s interaction with this caring boy draws readers far into the story, even as its subject matter keeps them on tenterhooks. A novel with a grave theme that also tells a tender love story. (Nogami)

  • Text: Ishikawa, Hirochika
  • Kaiseisha
  • 2018
  • 252 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 978-4-03-727280-7
  • Ages 12 +

Robots, Friendship, Eating disorders, Parent-child relationships