Dream Project
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『ドリーム・プロジェクト』(Dorimu purojekuto)
中学2年生の拓真の家には、祖父の勇が同居している。80歳になる勇は、ある日黙って家をでて、家族を心配させる。勇は、自分がもと住んでいた山あいの奥沢集落に向かおうとしていたのだ。勇がこの集落や、自宅だった古民家をなつかしんでいることに気づいた拓真は、古民家を修繕して、地域の人たちの憩いの場にしようと思い立つ。そこで友だちの協力もあおいで知恵をだしあい、必要な資金をクラウドファンディングで集めるプロジェクトを立ちあげる。拓真たちはフライヤーを作って配ったり、SNSで情報を拡散したり、地元の有力者に会いにいったりして努力を重ねる。160万円という目標の達成には多くの人の支援が必要になるが、果たして資金は集まるのだろうか? 楽しい読み物としてどきどきしながら読み進むうちに、クラウドファンディングの仕組みについても知識が深まる。(さくま)
出版社 | PHP研究所 |
初版年 | 2017年 |
ISBN | 978-4-569-78777-0 |
ページ数 | 205頁 |
サイズ | 20×14 |
対象年齢 | 12歳から |
キーワード | クラウドファンディング インターネット 仲間 |
Dream Project
Takuma is in the second year at junior high. His grandfather Isamu has been living with him since losing his wife. Isamu is now 80, and when he leaves the house one day without saying anything, the family are worried about him. When they investigate, they discover that he has gone to the village in the mountains where he used to live. Realizing that Isamu is missing the village and his old house, which now lies empty, Takuma hits upon the idea of renovating the old wooden thatched house and making it into a center where local people can gather. He gains the support of some of his friends at school, and pooling their knowledge, they work together to set up a project to raise the necessary money through a crowdfunding campaign. They go to a crowdfunding company to explain their project, learn about the procedures, and receive advice, and then decide to go ahead with the project.
Takuma and his friends don’t just make the crowdfunding page, they work hard on the project doing things like making flyers to hand out at bus stops in the morning, spreading information via Twitter and Facebook, showing supporters from the city around, going to meet the former mayor who is a local figure of authority, and so forth. They need to get a lot of people to support them in order to meet their target of 1.6 million yen. Will they manage to raise the funds in the end? This entertaining and exciting read also deepens knowledge of the procedures of crowdfunding and how to participate in society. (Sakuma)
- Text: Hamano, Kyoko
- PHP Institute
- 2017
- 205 pages
- 20×14
- ISBN 978-4-569-78777-0
- Ages 12 +
Crowdfunding, Internet, Friendship