カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『手塚治虫からの伝言 5 命』(Inochi)
出版社 | 童心社 |
初版年 | 2018年 |
ISBN | 978-4-494-01843-7 |
ページ数 | 214頁 |
サイズ | 22×16 |
対象年齢 | 10歳から |
キーワード | マンガ 命 |
ーMessages from Tezuka Osamu 5
A collection of six works by Tezuka Osamu, Japan’s “god of manga,” on the theme of life. In “Flying Squirrel Musa,” an abandoned squirrel is raised by a camphor tree some 1,200 years old, and engages in life-or-death battle with a teen who wants to be a hunter. In “The End of Green,” five astronauts who left radiation-polluted Earth arrive on a planet that has conscious plants; an astronaut falls in love with one of the plants. In “Sometimes Like Pearls,” the genius doctor Black Jack learns of a past medical failure by his teacher, Dr. Honma. (The title refers to how a scalpel Dr. Honma left inside Black Jack when he operated on him in his youth, was recovered later sheathed in calcium deposits.) In “The Great General Goes to the Jungle,” an attack causes General Ugetsu to make a forced landing in the south Pacific near the end of World War II; his life is saved by a tree spirit. “Yamataro Comes Back” features an orphaned bear raised by humans who is encouraged by Shiiroku, a steam engine, to run away. Finally, “Lunn Flies into the Wind” portrays an isolated high schooler, Akira, who takes heart when he develops a crush on a girl in a poster; he nicknames and talks to her and even hopes to meet her. In each work, due to the composition, shifts in perspective, and panel arrangement, a film-like drama unfolds, offering not just entertainment but also a chance to ponder life’s meaning. The same series offers volumes on friendship, robots, peace, and the future. (Doi)
- Text: Tezuka, Osamu | Spv. Nakano, Haruyuki
- Doshinsha
- 2018
- 214 pages
- 22×16
- ISBN 978-4-494-01843-7
- Ages 10 +
Manga, Life