絵物語 古事記(読みもの)
Illustrated KOJIKI
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『絵物語 古事記』(Emonogatari Kojiki)
出版社 | 偕成社 |
初版年 | 2017年 |
ISBN | 978-4-03-744870-7 |
ページ数 | 255頁 |
サイズ | 22×15 |
対象年齢 | 8歳から |
キーワード | 神話 不思議 |
Illustrated KOJIKI
The Stories of Japanese Gods and Goddesses
Dating back to AD 712, the Kojiki is said to be Japan’s oldest historical record. It describes Japan’s history from the foundation of the nation to the era of Empress Suiko in the 7th century. The first volume tells richly imaginative tales of the gods, while Volumes 2 and 3 record the imperial lineage and major events during each reign. In this book, a children’s author who has been nominated for the Andersen Award from Japan retells the stories of Volume 1, accompanied by entertaining illustrations by an internationally renowned animator. The supervisor is a scholar of the Kojiki.
Myths known by Japanese children are retold here, such as the story of how the god Izanaki and goddess Izanami used a magical spear to form the country out of chaos; the story of how after her death, Izanaki chased Izanami through the underworld; and stories of how the sun goddess Amaterasu was so disgusted by the bad behavior of her younger brother Susanoo that she hid herself in a cave, and how Susanoo slayed the eight-headed monster Yamata no Orochi after being banished from heaven, and how the god Oonamuji saved the white hare that had its fur ripped out after tricking the sharks, and about the quarrel between the god Hoderi, who lived off the bounty of the sea, and the god Hoori, who lived off the bounty of the mountain.
Tomiyasu retells these many myths from the perspective of a contemporary author, making them into highly readable, entertaining, and exciting tales. Yamamura’s illustrations appear on every page, with amusing and humanlike portrayals of the deities that successfully draw children in. An afterword introduces how the Kojiki came to be written and the people who were involved in producing it. (Sakuma)
- Text: Tomiyasu, Yoko | Illus. Yamamura, Koji | Spv. Miura, Sukeyuki
- Kaiseisha
- 2017
- 255 pages
- 22×15
- ISBN 978-4-03-744870-7
- Ages 8 +
Myths, Gods