The Raccoon Dog’s Egg
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『たぬきの たまご』(Tanuki no tamago)
ユーモラスで面白い絵本のテキストをたくさん書いている作家の詩集。第一部は「おかあさん」。「ばたばた」という作品では、「へいたいさんの はた/ばたばた たおれて/へいたいさんも ばたばた たおれて」「へいたいさんの かあさんは なく/――ばか ばか ばか」「ばかの はか/はかの ばか/いとしい ばかむすこの/はかない はか」と締めくくられる。素晴らしい反戦詩だが、幼い日の母への想いや、天国の母への追憶、人間だけではなく、アザラシやクジラやカッパの母への哀愁がさまざまにうたわれ深く心にしみる。第二部が「きぼう」、第三部が「たぬきのたまご」。タヌキが卵を産むはずがないことに象徴されるように、駄洒落も含めて、ユーモラスでナンセンスな詩や言葉遊びがたくさん紹介されていく。日本語の持つ多義性や同音異義語の面白さなどが駆使されていて楽しい。(野上)
出版社 | 銀の鈴社 |
初版年 | 2017年 |
ISBN | 978-4-86618-021-2 |
ページ数 | 112頁 |
サイズ | 21×15 |
対象年齢 | 6歳から |
キーワード | 言葉遊び お母さん 自然 ナンセンス |
The Raccoon Dog’s Egg
This is a collection of poems by popular picture book author Rintaro Uchida, who calls himself an Ekotoba Sakka (someone who puts words to pictures). The first section is dedicated to poems about mothers. It begins with a two-line poem “Toguro” (Coil) that reads, “Snake never knew his mother, so sometimes sleeps hugging himself.” The coiled form of the snake sparks an image of an innocent child curled up fast asleep, but the words “never knew his mother” catch at the heartstrings. This is followed by the poem “Waratte iru” (Smiling), which reads, “Fair and cloudy, cloudy and fair, the sun plays peek-a-boo with the earth,” and ends with the words, “The earth is smiling at mother.” The third poem “Fukuro” (Owl), begins with the line, “Grandpa Owl calls his mother, his mother who has passed away.” The voice of the elderly owl echoes mournfully as he recalls his mother when he was young and thinks of her in heaven, and the poem moves back and forth between sorrow and joy. This is followed by the feelings of seals, whales and kappa, as well as humans, for their mothers, all expressed with words that linger in the heart. The theme of the second section is “Kibo” (Hope) and of the third section is “Tanuki no tamago” (Raccoon Dog’s Egg). As indicated by the fact that raccoon dogs don’t lay eggs, the last section includes a wealth of entertaining word play and nonsense poems. Throughout, the author deftly employs ambiguity and homonyms, which are distinctive features of the Japanese language. (Nogami)
- Text: Uchida, Rintaro | Illus. Takabatake, Jun
- Ginnosuzu-sha
- 2017
- 112 pages
- 21×15
- ISBN 978-4-86618-021-2
- Ages 6 +
Wordplay, Mothers, Nature, Nonsense