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World Frog Summit

近藤薫美子 作 Text/Illus. Kondo, Kumiko

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture books

せかいかえるかいぎ 表紙

『せかい かえるかいぎ』(Sekai kaeru kaigi)


出版社 ポプラ社
初版年 2018年
ISBN 978-4-591-15852-4
ページ数 32頁
サイズ 27×22
対象年齢 5歳から
キーワード カエル 水辺 世界 会議

World Frog Summit

This entertaining picture book is densely packed with illustrations that convey the humorous expressions and gestures of frogs of all shapes and sizes, from the cover right through the fly leaf and into the main text. The rumor that a world frog summit will be held spreads rapidly as a frog song. Frogs of all kinds, including green frogs, red frogs, and warty frogs, begin to gather, increasing in number rapidly. The conversations of countless wisecracking frogs resemble the cacophony of a chorus of frogs in a rice field in spring. The astounding diversity represented within this multitude adds to the fun of the illustrations. (Nogami)

  • Text/Illus. Kondo, Kumiko
  • Poplar
  • 2018
  • 32 pages
  • 27×22
  • ISBN 978-4-591-15852-4
  • Ages 5 +

Frogs, Waterfront, World, Summit meetings