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The Golden Dragon And The Heavenly Maiden

代田昇 文/赤羽末吉 絵 Text: Shirota, Noboru | Illus. Akaba, Suekichi

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture books

黄金りゅうと天女 表紙

『黄金りゅうと天女』(Koganeryu to tennyo)


出版社 BL出版
初版年 2018年
ISBN 978-4-7764-0822-2
ページ数 32頁
サイズ 30×21
対象年齢 4歳から
キーワード 竜 沖縄 昔話

The Golden Dragon And The Heavenly Maiden

This picture book retells an Okinawan folktale. Once upon a time, a heavenly maiden appeared to a man and woman of different social rank and told them to move from Naha to the island of Geruma. The two married and were blessed with a little girl named Kana. On Kana’s seventh birthday, she told her parents that she must go to heaven. She climbed to the top of the mountain and was carried away on the back of a golden dragon. Many years later, the island was attacked by pirates, and Kana returned on the dragon to vanquish them with a tornado. The young bamboo at the root of the tornado stabbed the top of Ojima and became Ohyuri Forest. Akaba’s illustrations capture the dashing figure of Kana and the power of the dragon. (Doi)

  • Text: Shirota, Noboru | Illus. Akaba, Suekichi
  • BL Shuppan
  • 2018
  • 32 pages
  • 30×21
  • ISBN 978-4-7764-0822-2
  • Ages 4 +

Dragons, Okinawa, Folklore