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落合由利子 写真/北川直実、室田元美 編集 Photos: Ochiai, Yuriko | Edit. Kitagawa, Naomi/ Murota, Motomi

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksノンフィクション/nonfiction

1945←2015 表紙

『1945←2015 若者から若者への手紙』(1945←2015 Wakamono kara wakamono eno tegami)

出版社 ころから
初版年 2015年
ISBN 9784907239152
ページ数 221頁
サイズ 21×15
対象年齢 13歳から
キーワード 手紙 戦争 サバイバル


ーLetters from the Young to the Young

Compilers gathered interviews of Japanese World War II survivors who were youth in 1945. Contemporary youth then read the interviews and wrote their thoughts in letter format. The elders cover many topics, including combat, life in Siberian labor camps, massive Tokyo air raids, the atomic bombs, malaria in the jungle, the student nursing corps, and Unit 731, which conducted human experiments to develop biological and chemical weapons. Overwhelmed by these accounts, the contemporary youth respond with stark honesty and attempt to bridge the gap between generations. <Sakuma>

  • Photos: Ochiai, Yuriko | Edit. Kitagawa, Naomi/ Murota, Motomi
  • Korokara
  • 2015
  • 221 pages
  • 21×15
  • ISBN 9784907239152
  • Ages 13 +

Letter; War; Survival