If There Were No War

『戦争がなかったら――3人の子どもたち 10年の物語』(Senso ga nakattara)
出版社 | ポプラ社 |
初版年 | 2013年 |
ISBN | 9784591136539 |
ページ数 | 200頁 |
サイズ | 20×14 |
対象年齢 | 12歳から |
キーワード | 戦争被害者 子ども兵士 リベリア |
If There Were No War
ーThree Children, Ten Years
Over a period of ten years, a photojournalist documents the lives of three children who fell victim to civil war in Liberia. Momo and Fayah were child soldiers who, at a sensitive age, lost the chance to get an education and find their life’s work. They still suffer, unable to function in society after the conflict. Musu lost her right hand to the war as a girl. Thanks to media coverage, she became able to study in America and even received an artificial hand; she is unable, however, to assimilate to American life and returns to Liberia. Through Momo, Fayah, and Musu, we learn that war gives children terribly deep scars. <Sakuma>
- Takahashi, Kuninori
- Poplar
- 2013
- 200 pages
- 20×14
- ISBN 9784591136539
- Ages 12 +
War victim; Child soldier; Liberia