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Animals’ Families

藪内正幸 画 Illus. Yabuuchi, Masayuki

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books絵本/picture books

どうぶつのおやこ 表紙

『どうぶつの おやこ』(Dobutsu no oyako)

出版社 福音館書店
初版年 1966年
ISBN 978-4-8340-0074-0
ページ数 16頁
サイズ 19×25
対象年齢 0歳から
キーワード 動物 親子 赤ちゃん

Animals’ Families

This textless book is illustrated with realistic pictures depicting rabbits, dogs, monkeys, bears, hippos, giraffes, lions and elephants with their offspring. This was an early work by Masayuki Yabuuchi (1940–2000), an animal artist who illustrated many children’s books and animal guides. His firm grasp of animal ecology and his deep respect for his subjects is evident in his outstanding illustrations. This classic masterpiece is loved by a wide range of readers in Japan from infants to adults. <Doi>

  • Illus. Yabuuchi, Masayuki
  • Fukuinkan Shoten
  • 1966
  • 16 pages
  • 19×25
  • ISBN 9784834000740
  • Ages 0 +

Animal; Parents and children; Infant