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長倉洋海 文・写真 Text/Photos: Nagakura, Hiromi

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksノンフィクション/nonfiction

いのる 表紙


出版社 アリス館
初版年 2016年
ISBN 9784752007623
ページ数 40頁
サイズ 26×20
対象年齢 9歳から
キーワード 祈り 平和 生と死


This picture book shows people at prayer throughout the world. Some people pray for children not to be caught up in war, for peace to prevail, or for the deceased to go to a good place. Others pray to overcome anxiety and keep peace in their hearts. Some pray to ask questions about happenings they may not have understood at first. Others pray to find the right path. With photos that show beautiful scenes of prayer in different cultures, the author speaks of how prayers can connect, and the world can slowly transform. <Sakuma>

  • Text/Photos: Nagakura, Hiromi
  • Alice-kan
  • 2016
  • 40 pages
  • 26×20
  • ISBN 9784752007623
  • Ages 9 +

Prayer; Peace; Life and Death