Jun and Aya’s School Festival
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『ふたりの文化祭』(Futari no bunkasai)
出版社 | KADOKAWA |
初版年 | 2016年 |
ISBN | 9784041038130 |
ページ数 | 256頁 |
サイズ | 13×19 |
対象年齢 | 13歳から |
キーワード | 思春期 高校 ビブリオバトル |
Jun and Aya’s School Festival
This novel follows the developing relationship between Jun and Aya, who are both sixteen. Jun is good looking and popular, while Aya is a shy bookworm. Although Aya remembers that they went to kindergarten together, Jun has forgotten, distracted by all the attention he gets. The two have to work together preparing for the school festival. As they do, they remember their childhood. The writer does an excellent job of capturing the awkward communication between teenagers of the opposite sex. <Doi>
- Text: Fujino, Megumi
- 2016
- 256 pages
- 13×19
- ISBN 9784041038130
- Ages 13 +
Adolescence; High school; Bibliobattle