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いとうみく 著/宍戸清孝 写真 Text: Ito, Miku | Photo: Shishido, Kiyotaka

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books読みもの/chapter books and novels

アポリア 表紙


出版社 童心社
初版年 2016年
ISBN 9784494020485
ページ数 271頁
サイズ 19×14
対象年齢 13歳から
キーワード 自然災害、協力、命の意味


ーTomorrow’s Wind

In this YA novel set in the near future, a great earthquake and tsunami rock Tokyo. People of different ages and backgrounds witness death and try to find purpose, exploring what they can do for others. A middle school student named Ichiya was a shut-in, loathing himself for wishing to murder a classmate. In the earthquake, as he tries to save his mother, a man drags him to safety. The fact that he could not help his mom scars Ichiya’s heart, but as he interacts with other people again, he reconsiders his life and grows. <Sakuma>

  • Text: Ito, Miku | Photo: Shishido, Kiyotaka
  • Doshinsha
  • 2016
  • 271 pages
  • 19×14
  • ISBN 9784494020485
  • Ages 13 +

Natural Disaster; Mutual Assistance; Meaning of Life