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The Boys’ Battles

那須正幹 作/はたこうしろう 絵 Text: Nasu, Masamoto | Illus. Hata, Koshiro

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books読みもの/chapter books and novels

少年たちの戦場 表紙

『少年たちの戦場』(Shonen tachi no senjo)

出版社 新日本出版社
初版年 2016年
ISBN 9784406060219
ページ数 222頁
サイズ 20×14
対象年齢 13歳から
キーワード 歴史 子ども兵士 戦争

The Boys’ Battles

The author of the Zukkoke Three book series, which sold fifty million copies, wrote this short story collection around the theme of war. War is something adults do, but it invariably victimizes young people. These four stories all portray teenage boys, who themselves must fight in armed conflict: the civil war when Japan became a modern state, and the fighting in northeast China and Okinawa during World War II. With its depiction of teenagers who face desperate fates, it is a sharp indictment of war’s cruelty. <Nogami>

  • Text: Nasu, Masamoto | Illus. Hata, Koshiro
  • Shinnihon Shuppansha
  • 2016
  • 222 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 9784406060219
  • Ages 13 +

History; Child soldier; Battle