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Rice Cooked With Bamboo Shoots

大島渚 文/伊藤秀男 絵 Text: Oshima, Nagisa | Illus. Ito, Hideo

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books絵本/picture books

タケノコごはん 表紙

『タケノコごはん』(Takenoko gohan)

出版社 ポプラ社
初版年 2015年
ISBN 9784591145777
ページ数 42頁
サイズ 25×25
対象年齢 6歳から
キーワード 戦争 ごはん 疑い

Rice Cooked With Bamboo Shoots

A well-known film director, Nagisa Oshima, describes an experience from his childhood during World War II. One day he and his classmates went to bid farewell to their teacher, who had been drafted and would soon leave to fight. The teacher served them all rice cooked with bamboo shoots. As they ate, a boy who had not cried since his father died in battle, suddenly burst out sobbing and pled, “Teacher, don’t go to war!” Oshima, who had believed until then that the war was right, began to doubt what he had been taught. <Sakuma>

  • Text: Oshima, Nagisa | Illus. Ito, Hideo
  • Poplar
  • 2015
  • 42 pages
  • 25×25
  • ISBN 9784591145777
  • Ages 6 +

War; Rice; Doubt