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つつみあれい 文・絵 Text/Illus. Tsutsumi, Arei

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books絵本/picture books

カペリーちゃん 表紙


出版社 封濤社
初版年 2016年
ISBN 9784892194122
ページ数 32頁
サイズ 29×21
対象年齢 4歳から
キーワード 女の子 友情 冒険


Capeli is a lighthearted, cheerful little girl who lives in the forest. One day her friend Jack the peacock falls ill, and she does everything she can to cure him. But even at the city hospital they don’t know what’s wrong with him, and she is wondering what to do when a fairy appears out of the mailbox, turns both of them into letters, and sends them to a turtle who is an excellent doctor. This is a fantasy adventure that draws on the Flatland two-dimensional world to create its own unique manga-like pictures. It is full of wordplay, such as a song in which the name of Caldecott, father of the picture book, is read back-to-front. <Hiromatsu>

  • Text/Illus. Tsutsumi, Arei
  • Futosha
  • 2016
  • 32 pages
  • 29×21
  • ISBN 9784892194122
  • Ages 4 +

Girl; Friendship; Adventure