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Solving the Mystery of Pi

鳴海風 作/伊野孝行 画 Text: Narumi, Fu | Illus. Ino, Takayuki

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本ノンフィクション/nonfiction

円周率の謎を追う 表紙

『円周率の謎を追う――江戸の天才数学者・関孝和の挑戦』(Enshuritsu no nazo o ou)


出版社 くもん出版
初版年 2016年
ISBN 9784774325521
ページ数 208頁
サイズ 19×14
対象年齢 11歳から
キーワード 数学 歴史 江戸時代 円周率 関孝和

Solving the Mystery of Pi

ーThe Genius Mathematician of Edo, Seki Takakazu

Portrays the life of Seki Takakazu, the master of Japanese mathematics known as wasan, with particular focus on his research on pi. We learn at school that pi is about 3.14, but when Seki started his studies it was thought to be 3.16. The process of working through the doubts he felt about this until he was convinced, and the way he devised a method to express numerical formulae based on Chinese kanbun writing is as thrilling as a mystery novel. This mathematician emerges as one human being who single-mindedly pursued something with unextinguished passion. Based on thorough research. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Narumi, Fu | Illus. Ino, Takayuki
  • Kumon Shuppan
  • 2016
  • 208 pages
  • 19×14
  • ISBN 9784774325521
  • Ages 11 +

Mathematics, Edo period (1603-1868), Pi