No One Will Cry for You
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『きみのためには だれも泣かない』(Kimi no tame ni wa dare mo nakanai)
出版社 | ポプラ社 |
初版年 | 2016年 |
ISBN | 9784591152669 |
ページ数 | 272頁 |
サイズ | 20×13 |
対象年齢 | 15歳から |
キーワード | 友情 恋愛 高校生活 |
No One Will Cry for You
The summer of his first year in high school, Sui is injured when an elderly man on a bicycle tips over on him. With his leg broken, Sui relies on a crutch. A middle school classmate of his sister’s named Suzuri, who is the elderly man’s great-granddaughter, falls in love with Sui, believing that he saved the man’s life. But Sui has a crush on Natsumi, who is in turn preoccupied with the odd behavior of her friend, Miria, who dates popular boy Nishiyama. Multiple teen issues intertwine as love, infatuation, and the importance of being oneself are addressed head-on in this YA novel. (Nogami)
- Text: Nashiya, Arie
- Poplar
- 2016
- 272 pages
- 20×13
- ISBN 9784591152669
- Ages 15 +
Friendship, Romance, High school, Boyfriends