Band Girls!
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

『バンドガール!』(Bando gaaru!)
出版社 | 偕成社 |
初版年 | 2016年 |
ISBN | 9784036490202 |
ページ数 | 199頁 |
サイズ | 19×13 |
対象年齢 | 10歳から |
キーワード | 近未来 禁じられた歌 友情 |
Band Girls!
The setting for this story is in the near future when the capital of Japan has been moved to Hokkaido after a natural disaster caused a radioactive leak. Although Tokyo is no longer deemed safe, fifth grader Sara is among those unable to move to the new capital and still living there. She is invited by sixth grader Rio to join her in a band at the Children’s Center. There is a rival band at the Children’s Center, but some members of both bands become close friends, and together play the encore at the year-end concert. The song is one that Sara’s mother used to sing on YouTube, but had been shunned by society for political reasons. (Doi)
- Text: Hamano, Kyoko | Illus. Shimura, Takako
- Kaiseisha
- 2016
- 199 pages
- 19×13
- ISBN 9784036490202
- Ages 10 +
Future, Friendship, Music