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Beasts Smelling

ミロコマチコ 作・絵 Text/Illus. mirocomachiko

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本絵本/picture books

けもののにおいがしてきたぞ 表紙

『けものの においが してきたぞ』(Kemono no nioi ga shitekita zo)


出版社 岩崎書店
初版年 2016年
ISBN 9784265081486
ページ数 32頁
サイズ 27×32
対象年齢 3歳から
キーワード 獣 道 怪物 におい

Beasts Smelling

The author mirocomachiko won a Plaque at the Biennial of Illustrations Bratislava (BIB) in 2017 for this book. On animal trails thick with weeds and flowers and hidden by trees and bushes, the dark shapes of unknown creatures move, their eyes flashing. Boulders roll, the trail groans, strange birds take flight, and the trees and grasses quake. The dynamic brushwork, the repetition of the phrase “It’s starting to smell like beasts,” and the dense scenes, conjure up the scents of unknown creatures. This is a powerful picture book filled with the life force of wild things. (Nogami)

  • Text/Illus. mirocomachiko
  • Iwasaki Shoten
  • 2016
  • 32 pages
  • 27×32
  • ISBN 9784265081486
  • Ages 3 +

Beasts, Animal trails, Monsters, Birds, Smells