Us on Fridays

「気候時計」「IPCC( 気候変動に関する政府間パネル)」「Fridays For Future(未来のための金曜日)」といった専門的な用語と、渋谷、代々木公園、上野動物園などを舞台にしたリアルな高校生たちの日常の言葉が、バランスよく融合した物語となっている。(奥山)
出版社 | 静山社 |
初版年 | 2023年 |
ISBN | 978-4- 8638-9771-7 |
ページ数 | 200頁 |
サイズ | 20×14 |
対象年齢 | 13歳から |
キーワード | 気候危機、デモ活動、恋愛 |
Us on Fridays
Rejected by her first-choice high school, Hinata struggles with motivation at the school she ends up going to instead. One Friday, she sees some high school students holding placards about the climate crisis, standing outside a train station. One of the students, Ryoma, points out her ignorance on climate, and out of chagrin, Hinata reads on websites and in books about the abnormal changes and disasters occurring around the world. She decides to stand with the protesters at the station. She also begins to talk with the classmates and family close to her about how aspects of their daily lives, such as plastic disposal, meat consumption, and food waste, are harming the environment.
While the story continues to circle environmental issues, it also explores Hinata’s relationship with Momone, a girl in her year who got into the school Hinata had hoped to attend. The story also develops Hinata’s relationship with Ryoma, who seemed haughty at first but turns out to be fair and honest. The reader comes to share Hinata’s unvarnished feelings of embarrassment and love. Students at Hinata’s new school such as Shizuho, who helps at a free cafeteria for children, and Elena, who carries scars related to her Brazilian roots, become known and trusted as well.
This book weaves information about the Climate Clock, International Panel on Climate Change, and Fridays For Future with realistic portrayals of teens interacting in settings such as Shibuya, Yoyogi Park, and the Ueno Zoo in Tokyo. It strikes a marvelous balance. (Okuyama)
- Text: HAMANO Kyoko | Ill. Awai
- Seizansha
- 2023
- 200 pages
- 20×14
- ISBN 978-4- 8638-9771-7
- Ages 13 +
Climate crisis, Protest demonstration, Romance