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Love Problems Never End

吉野万理子 作 | satsuki 画 Text: YOSHINO Mariko | Ill. satsuki

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels


本書はそこをきっかけにして、1 章ごとに34 人のそれぞれ異なる人物が、自分たちの恋愛模様、恋愛観を語っていく。語り手の多くは同じ中学の生徒だが、他校の生徒もいれば、中学生に触れ合っている大人(養護教諭、野球部監督、web ディレクター、体育教師、校務員)もいる。また4 人は5 年後に登場し、その後の展開を述べる。一人称でそれぞれ断片的に語られる声は、ほかの登場人物の声ともからみあい、複数の視点を提供している。また34 人の声がコーラスのように重なる構成になっていて、最後まで読むと物語の全体像が見えてくるのもおもしろく、恋愛に関心を持つ中学生たちに考えるタネをあたえてくれる。もとが中高生向きの新聞の連載なので1 章ずつが短く、読みやすい。(さくま)

出版社 小学館
初版年 2022年
ISBN 9784092893184
ページ数 256頁
サイズ 19x14cm
対象年齢 13歳から
キーワード 恋愛、噂、野球

Love Problems Never End

At Toko Middle School, rumors fly that the players on the baseball team will have to shave their heads. Apparently, their well-known coach has told them that since they were slacking, he plans to quit next week unless they cut their hair and came back with new attitudes. On top of that, he seems to blame romance for one player’s lack of motivation.
Many people side with Takanori, the team captain who is the object of many girls’ fantasies. But when another rumor circulates, that Takanori has secretly been dating the student body president Ayaka, bashing ensues.
This book consists of 34 chapters, each written from the perspective of a different character with a unique experience and opinion of romance. Most characters are students at the school, but others are students from other schools or adults (the school nurse, baseball coach, webmaster, PE teacher, caretaker). Four characters appear five years later to give a glimpse of how everything ended.
The many first-person voices weave together and offer a range of perspectives, building just like a 34-member chorus. It is fascinating to read to the end and at last get a sense of the whole story. Middle schoolers beginning to take interest in romance will find many points to ponder here.
Initially serialized in a newspaper for middle and high school students and then expanded, this story’s chapters stand on their own and are easy to read. They help us to hear the voices of Japanese middle school students today. (Sakuma)

  • Text: YOSHINO Mariko | Ill. satsuki
  • Shogakukan
  • 2022
  • 256 pages
  • 19x14cm
  • ISBN 9784092893184
  • Ages 13 +

Romance, Gossip, Baseball