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Pouch and Notebook

こまつ あやこ 著 | miii 装画 Text: KOMATSU Ayako | Ill. miii

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels


高校2年生の未来(みく)は、机の引き出しにふたつのものを隠している。ひとつは、祖母のアサエさんが、10 歳の誕生日パーティーの時にプレゼントしてくれた、生理用ナプキン入りのポーチ。そして、もうひとつは、中学に入ったころから、日々の不安やイライラを詩のように書きつけてきた水色のノート。そんな未来が、夏休みに学校図書館に司書補のアルバイトにやってきた大学生の保坂さんに恋をする。ほほえんでいるようなやさしい口元の形がイルカに似ている保坂さんと、エスペラント語で交流するようになり、ひかれていけばいくほど、未来は、まだ一度も生理が来ていないという、身体の悩みを深めていく。
しかし、彼氏ができた親友の芽衣のさまざまな体験や、17 歳でシングルマザーになった祖母のアサエさんの自由な生き方に触れるうちに、未来はふたりに自分の恋や悩みを打ち明け、体のコンプレックスに向き合っていくようになる。

出版社 講談社
初版年 2021年
ISBN 978-4-06-524081-6
ページ数 208頁
サイズ 20x14cm
対象年齢 13歳から
キーワード 生理、恋愛、家族、図書館

Pouch and Notebook

Miku is a girl in her second year of high school. In her desk in homeroom, she hides two things: (1) a pouch of sanitary napkins that her grandmother Asae gave her at her 10th birthday party, and (2) the light blue notebook where she has written out her daily worries and frustrations like poetry, ever since the beginning of middle school.
During summer break, Miku develops a crush on Hosaka, a college student who comes to work part-time as an assistant in the school library. He has a gentle mouth like a dolphin, and he and she have fun communicating in Esperanto. The more Miku becomes attracted to Hosaka, the more she worries about not yet getting her period like other girls.
But hearing about the experiences of her friend Mei, who has a boyfriend, and observing the free lifestyle of her grandmother Asae, who became a single mother at 17, Miku opens up to both about her crush and her stress, and she begins to face the complex she has about her body.
This novel sensitively depicts romantic and sexual concerns that many teens may struggle to share with parents and teachers. It does so with accurate information and the relationships among its unique characters. Miku’s story reminds us to take things slowly and care for one another and ourselves. (Okuyama)

  • Text: KOMATSU Ayako | Ill. miii
  • Kodansha
  • 2021
  • 208 pages
  • 20x14cm
  • ISBN 978-4-06-524081-6
  • Ages 13 +

Menstruation, Romance, Family, Libraries