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黒川裕子 作 | 須藤はる奈 装画 Text: KUROKAWA Yuko | Ill. SUDO Haruna

カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Booksおすすめ!日本の子どもの本読みもの/chapter books and novels


中学1年生の戸松明音(みおん)は、小学校卒業と同時に両親が離婚し、母の姓に変わったことに違和感を抱き、精神的に不安定な母の面倒を見ながら暮らしている。ある日、#マイネームという地域限定で中学生のみ対象のSNS のトークルームを見つけ、参加。学校ではいじめをなくすために、あだ名やニックネームをやめてみんなを「名字のさんづけで呼ぶ」という決まりの「SUN さん運動」が始まるが、#マイネームでは、それに反抗する運動を展開する。

出版社 さ・え・ら書房
初版年 2021年
ISBN 978-4-378-01558-3
ページ数 232頁
サイズ 20x14cm
対象年齢 13歳から
キーワード 名前、離婚、ヤングケアラー、SNS


Mion Tomatsu is in her first year of middle school. Her parents divorced when she finished elementary school, and she’s still not used to how her surname changed from her father’s to her mother’s. Mion lives with and cares for her mentally unstable mother.
One day, when Mion searches by “my name is odd,” she discovers #MyName, a social media group for middle schoolers in her area, and she joins. School authorities have been discouraging use of nicknames and making everyone call each other their last name plus -san (Ms./Mr.) as an anti-bullying measure. But the #MyName members resist, refusing to use their school nametags and instead pinning on nametags they make themselves, using names they wish to be called. This becomes a movement. The chat room is home to King Beeo (the leader), Ninja 99, Chaeyoung (who seems to have a Korean connection), No-Meaning Child, and more. As Mion reads, she realizes that all of them are her classmates, and she discovers a different side of them.
Mion’s area is home to a fairly set group of people, but then a married couple with different last names open a book café that becomes the middle school hangout. Students make their homemade nametags here. When the school finds out, this is seen in the community as opposing the anti-bullying measures and criticized.
This book depicts a variety of issues that Japanese middle schoolers face today, relating to names, identities, family relationships, unreasonable school policies, and social media and friendships. (Doi)

  • Text: KUROKAWA Yuko | Ill. SUDO Haruna
  • Saera Shobo
  • 2021
  • 232 pages
  • 20x14cm
  • ISBN 978-4-378-01558-3
  • Ages 13 +

Names, Divorce, Young caregivers, Social media