Sora’s Words Fall from the Sky
カテゴリー: Japanese Children's Books、おすすめ!日本の子どもの本、読みもの/chapter books and novels

中学2年生のソラは、1 年生の時に、級友のシゲルに、鼻の下のほくろを「ハナクソ」と言われていじめられたことから、保健室登校をしている。ある日、問題児といわれる同じ学年のハセオが保健室に来て、養護教諭の先生も交えて句会をしようとソラを誘う。ハセオと仲たがいをしたりしながらも、ソラは少しずつ俳句に夢中になっていく。
ハセオとソラは句会のメンバーを増やすために学校内で募集し、弓道部で息苦しさを感じていたユミが参加する。ソラは、ユミとも友情を深めていく。そんな中、校長先生の発案で「桜山中学新春俳句大会」が開催されることになる。ところが、ソラをいじめたシゲルが、学校や家庭で問題を抱えて保健室登校を始めた。ソラはシゲルを拒否して自宅学習を選択するが、俳句を続け、ハセオと連絡を取り続ける。また、学校の俳句大会にも参加し、自分の気持ちをよむ。一方ハセオは、俳句大会で「そらからことばが 降ってくる」から始まるソラに宛てた句をよむ。
出版社 | ポプラ社 |
初版年 | 2021年 |
ISBN | 978-4-591-17106-6 |
ページ数 | 232頁 |
サイズ | 20x13cm |
対象年齢 | 13歳から |
キーワード | 俳句、保健室登校、友だち、いじめ |
Sora’s Words Fall from the Sky
Sora is a second-year middle schooler who was bullied in first-year; now, he comes to school but stays in the nurse’s office. Then a so-called troublemaker named Haseo initiates haiku meetings in the office and includes Sora. Sora soon becomes absorbed in haiku.
The meetings start out with disaster. Sora’s experience of being bullied began on a class trip, when his classmate Shigeru called the mole below Sora’s nose a booger. Sora now wears a mask outside of the nurse’s office. But when Haseo and the nurse hold the first haiku meeting, Haseo writes Sora’s mole into a haiku as a lighthearted greeting. Sora flees all the way home, and Haseo goes to apologize.
After that, they keep going and invite more participants. A girl named Yumi who was unhappy in archery club joins. Then the principal announces a Sakurayama Middle School New Year Haiku Tournament. Struggling at school and at home, Shigeru begins spending days in the nurse’s office himself, so Sora studies at home. But Sora keeps making haiku, and by communicating with Haseo, he realizes haiku’s depth. In addition, he joins the tournament and incorporates his feelings in his haiku. Haseo writes another haiku about Sora, saying “words fall from the sky” (sky is a way to write Sora).
Through haiku, characters in this book both express and observe their feelings, and their communication with others evolves. The author is a haikuist who imparts delight in haiku through the dialogue and characters’ appreciation of poems, as well as through selected works that appear in the text. (Doi)
- Text: TAKAYANAGI Katsuhiro | Ill. AYANO Ayu
- Poplar
- 2021
- 232 pages
- 20x13cm
- ISBN 978-4-591-17106-6
- Ages 13 +
Haiku, Hiding in school nurse’s office, Friends, Bullying